Book Updates, Elven Magick, General Musings, The Dragon and the Rose, The Tarlisian Sagas, Time of the Wolf, Uncategorized, Writing News

The Cross of Tarlis: THE AWAKENING


This novel holds a special place in my heart as it was the first novel I wrote.

The Cross of Tarlis is now two books because of its length.

Both books will be published this year. 2021 as will the 2nd. Book, “The Cross of Tarlis: THE RECKONING.”

The Cross of Tarlis took me a little over two years to write and it was not until 2010 that it was published for the first time. Over ten years after it was written.

Back in 1997 digital printing had not yet caught on and there was very little online publishing and no print on demand.

All of the traditional publishers I submitted it to in the US and UK at that time told me the book was too long to take a chance on.

I still consider “The Cross of Tarlis” one of my best novels. It is a fast paced, Dark, Heroic, Fantasy Romance and it will be published by, The Wild Rose Press.

An Excerpt

“That is enough!” She flushed and crossed her arms
over her chest. “I am certain I do not want to know.” She
turned from his perusal and stared over the treetops at the mist-shrouded peaks of Dragon Spur. “Who are you?”
“I am Kaden of Glen-Dorrach at your service, my lady.”
He bowed with a flourish and she realized he was mocking
her. She would not rise to his bait.
“What are you doing out here? Alone?”
His expression sobered and when he searched her face,
his eyes were pale green. “I could ask you the same
“I asked first.”
“So, you did. Traveling. I hire my sword for money.”
“A mercenary?”
“‘Tis honest enough work.”
For several heartbeats, they remained silent, then she
spoke again. “Thank you for your help.”
“You handle yourself well for a woman.”
She straightened to her full height, a little below his
shoulder, and lifted her chin. Who did this man think he
was? Did he not know she was a Warrior Princess of
Ellenroh? Then she relaxed. No, he did not, nor was she
about to enlighten him. “Again, thank you.” Her words
sounded stiff. “I was outnumbered. Eventually they would
have worn me down.”
He caught her hand, pressing it to his chest. “If I can be
of more service. He arched a brow.”
“I am certain that will not be necessary.” His heartbeat,
rapid and strong against her hand but she could not allow
herself to weaken. She had a quest. She had a mission…

Book Updates, Elven Magick, General Musings, The Dragon and the Rose, The Tarlisian Sagas, Time of the Wolf, Uncategorized, Writing News, Writing Tips


A Tarlisian Saga

“Time of the Wolf” is a Fantasy Romance with lots of action. It was released 13th. January 2021.

And is available on Amazon all over the world and other major online book stores.

The Prologue is available for you to read at the bottom of the page or you may like to read it in the book preview.

Book Trailer by Julie A. D’Arcy. If you would like to share it on your Blog or share it with a friend you are quite welcome.
Just push share.
Read Free Preview- Click on the Book


Come sit by the fire lad and warm your bones. The air is chill and the night long when the heavens are without the moons. Here, take a draught of this Upland Fire. ‘Tis the finest in the land.
The evening is dull now. My guests have filled themselves with good Highland whiskey and retired to their rooms. You look in need of a cot yourself, and it is to my regret that I have none to spare. For tomorrow the clans meet in celebration of the coming of the Wolf, and on such a day, every tavern within a day’s ride be full to overflowing with any man old enough to hold a tankard and wield a hefty sword.
What is so special about a wolf, you ask?
The Wolf be not an animal, lad, but a warrior the likes of which will never come again. He stood alone amidst a field of ten thousand warriors to fight to save this world. Or so the legend goes.
What was that? Speak up, boy. I am old and my hearing is not as it should be.
Do I not believe in the legend?
Aye. There are stories and there are stories. Some lose something in the telling, others gain. Who can say what truly happened except someone who was really there? And would the stories be truly worth the telling if all the truth were told?
You would prefer the truth. Nay, you would not want to hear it; no listener ever did. They find boredom in truth. They want shining heroes, handsome men—tall and strong—good deeds and fair damsels. There is no room for such things as human frailties and indecision in legend.
Yet still you would hear it?
Perhaps just this once, for in me I feel a need to release that which has been held too long. To once again free it to the air.
Aye, ‘tis midnight.
A good time for a story. A time for memories. A time for ghosts.
You say I speak as if I was there?
Well, maybe I was, and maybe I wasn’t. What is time but someone else’s dream? There have been many tales told of the man, but let it be said that I know this story as well as any man can. You are sure you wish to hear it?
Aye, we do have all night.
Then settle back, and I shall relate to you the story of the warrior they called the Lord of the Wolves or the Wolf, as it be, the way it truly was. The legend of Radin Hawk.
For some uncanny reason you remind me of him. Same coloring—same eyes. I never have seen eyes that exact color again. The color of the moors in spring; deep blue almost purple.
Well, where shall I start? I suppose the beginning is as good as any… ‘Twas a time long ago…
…a time of sorcery and myth, when legends were forged and magick flowed in the land like water. Men were real men, and women more beautiful than the first rose of spring. And under a younger sun, Dros-Delnor still stood. The mightiest castle in the realm…

Book Updates, Elven Magick, The Tarlisian Sagas

ELVEN MAGICK – Julie A. D’Arcy #FantasyRomance #fantasy #romance

Elven Magick2018largetitle

It has been twenty-one years since the Dragon King defeated the Dark Priest Narokah and condemned him to the Fiery Abyss.

The legendary Sword of Niraz has been stolen!

The elf, Vellandril Ballindoch, sets forth on a quest to find the sword.  Along the way he must confront his painful past including the woman he betrayed, but still loves, and the son he never knew existed.

Her duty to the king!

After forsaking her past and gaining the title of First Knight to the Dragon King, Johden de Danann is forced to undertake a quest with a man she swore never to forgive, but never stopped loving.

Treachery, betrayal, adventure and action, a magickal world of elves and romance combine to bring forth the exciting conclusion to a tale that began with The Dragon and the Rose and finishes with happily ever after—for some.



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Clouds fashioned a misty veil around the branches of the Machoann trees, embracing the Elven village of Tarlis-Leah. A lone figure, hooded and robed in gray, to blend with moonlight and shadow, stole across the darkened bedchamber.

Guided by a stunted candle, flickering fitfully on a small bedside table, the thief knelt at the end of the bed, pulled a golden key from her pocket, and fitted it to a lock attached to a carved wooden chest.

The lock clicked ominously into the silence.

The thief tensed and a bead of perspiration trickled down her back.

The occupant of the bed slept on. The sleeping draught she had administered earlier had achieved its desired result.

She lifted the trunk’s heavy lid and again the silence broke.

The thief stilled.

Vellandril Ballindoch groaned, rolled over and mumbled several words, then settled. A sigh slipped between the thief’s lips, and she stroked the handle of the small poniard at her waist. She would not be thwarted in this plan. Revenge was such a sweet word. She could taste it on her lips.

Wrapped in a soft red cloth, buried deep among Vellandril’s clothes, she found that which she sought. Her hands trembled as she claimed her prize. The Sword of Niraz felt light, not at all what she expected from such a large weapon.

Now the elf would pay for all the suffering and lost summers, all the pain and humiliation. Gently, she closed the trunk and crept toward the window where an Elven rope, soft, thin and durable, dangled from a nearby branch. Rewrapping the sword deftly in a dark cloth, she strapped it to her back, stepped into a loop formed in the fine but tough Elven rope, and descended into the darkness of the forest.




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